Breakpoints in Bootstrap.
Cards in Bootstrap using grids and decks.
Flexible column heights in Bootstrap.
Rounded corners with Bootstrap.
Vertical alignment in Bootstrap.
Get CodeIgniter 4 up and running quickly with Composer.
Coalesce in orderBy for CodeIgniter.
Transform user method for CodeIgniter 4.
Using Composer to install PHP packages.
PHP cURL helper class.
PHP cURL helper function.
Basic HTML template.
Install Node.JS and NPM using NVM (Node Version Manager).
Open a confirmation prompt when triggering an event.
Output data to the developer console using JavaScript.
Convert an object to a JSON string and back.
Redirect to another URL.
Use Ajax with jQuery and PHP.
How to invoke ready() in jQuery.
Get Laravel up and running quickly with the Laravel Installer.
Get Laravel up and running quickly with Composer.
Split a large file into smaller chunks in linux.
Autoload PHP classes with SPL Autoload Register.
Classes in PHP.
Date and time examples in PHP.
Format a number with leading zeros.
Connect to a MySQL database in PHP OOP with MySQLi.
Unit testing with PHPUnit.
Create QR codes using the QR Code Generator API.
Report all PHP errors during runtime.
The first five design principles of object oriented design.
Syntax highlight code.